The Impact of Video Games on Student Mental Health

Written by smoothie


Video games are now part of everyone’s life. Some people play them on their laptops or PC. Others are on their phones. Either way, they are a great way to kill time, have fun, and relax after a hard day at work or college. However, the impact of video games on the mental health of players is a complex and long-debated topic. Video games can have both positive and negative effects on mental health. And it is essential to consider the various factors that can influence outcomes. 

The context of the games, the amount of time spent playing, and individual differences between students are essential and some of these crucial factors. And the group the spotlight is on today is the group of students. Getting an education, organizing study time, or attending classes are just some of their responsibilities when they are in college. So, are video games helping them pursue their academic goals or hindering their progress?

Stress Relief

Everyone knows that being a student in college comes with stress. You have to juggle between tasks, to attend classes, to work on your assignments. You study many subjects in college and each teacher has its expectations of you. Having to organize and prioritize your time and tasks comes with stress. Assignments might only pile up on your desk and deadlines might approach so quickly. When you feel overwhelmed by all the tasks you have to complete, you can get online help for students. On EduBirdie, you can simply pay for essay writing and find academic assistance. This might alleviate a part of the stress you are experiencing. 

But playing video games helps you immerse yourself in another universe and reality. Engaging in enjoyable gameplay can help students unwind and temporarily escape from real-life pressures. Which is a positive effect on students’ mental health. 

Cognitive Benefits 

There are many game genres you can play. From adventure to strategy, there is a wide variety of games you can choose from. Well, playing video games comes with cognitive benefits that could easily translate into your academic life. 

Some of them require problem-solving, critical thinking, and strategic planning. Which, of course, enhances your cognitive skills. Certain games improve memory, attention, and spatial skills. Which indirectly contributes to better academic performance. 

Violent Content

As mentioned above, there is a wide range of video games you can play. Some of them are more violent than others and constant exposure to them could come with negative effects. It has been noticed desensitization to violence and increased aggression in the case of players who choose violent games. 

Which, of course, comes with negative effects on students’ mental health. Particularly, if students are unable to make the difference between the virtual world and real-life consequences. 

Sedentary Lifestyle 

Most students might choose strategy and adventure games, as they have really immersive gameplay and a nice narrative. These games can turn out to be so immersing that you can end up spending hours and hours playing them. 

This, of course, leads to adopting a sedentary lifestyle, as you only sit at your desk playing video games. While they come with positive effects and help you relax and unwind after an intense study time or college day, a negative effect would be this sedentary lifestyle. Extended periods of sitting and a lack of physical activity associated with gambling can contribute to physical health issues. Obesity is one of the most common ones. Which, in turn, can have a negative impact on mental wellbeing. 


Last but not least, excessively playing video games can lead to addiction. Even though it might not be officially recognized as a mental health disorder yet, it has detrimental effects on mental health. 

It can lead to excessive preoccupation with gaming, neglect of responsibilities, withdrawal from social activities, and mood disturbances. Which, in turn, can distract students from pursuing their academic goals and they can experience low productivity and focus. 

Final Thoughts 

Video games are so deeply intertwined with our lives. Some people play them to kill time while they queue. Others play them to have fun with friends. Students might play them to relieve stress and relax after a challenging college day. While playing video games helps you alleviate stress and develop skills that contribute to your academic advancement, they can come with negative effects too. 

white and black game controller

They can lead to addiction, but also a sedentary lifestyle that can lead to developing physical health issues. Depending on the amount of time you dedicate to playing video games, they can come with both positive and negative effects on your mental health. 

Bio lines: Sylvester Greer is a content writer and blogger. Passionate about video games, he usually writes blog posts dedicated to students. Sylvester is an avid reader and he usually chooses self-development books.