Support Me

Hey there, welcome to the page that celebrates all the amazing people who keep the Turn Based Lovers project kicking and turning! Without your generosity, this blog would be as empty as a game store on a Monday morning.

Thank you Supporters

Why Support TBL?

Ciao, fellow game enthusiasts! I’m Marcello, your trusty Italian RPG and Strategy games fanatic. Since 2018, I’ve been running Turn Based Lovers, a blog and YouTube channel where I geek out about turn-based games. It all started with a passion for RPGs, strategies, and indie gems, and boy, has it grown into a vibrant community of fellow genre lovers, game devs, and industry pros!

I pour my heart, soul, and at least 2-3 hours a day into this project. I mean, who needs sleep when there are games to discuss, top 10 lists to make, and live streamings to enjoy, right? But alas, the realities of day jobs and family routines limit my time. If only there were more hours in a day dedicated to gaming goodness!

That’s where your support comes in! By helping TBL thrive, I can turn this passion into a full-time gig and deliver even more turn-based love to the world. Because, let’s be honest, a world without epic turn-based battles is just a sad, button-mashing mess.

How Can You Show the Love?

A few months ago, I launched the YouTube Membership program, set up a Patreon page, and even got myself a Buy Me A Coffee page. Think ad-free browsing on the TBL website, shout-outs in my videos, exclusive Discord rooms, and jaw-dropping giveaways.

And hey, if you’re feeling extra generous, you can also support me through affiliate links sprinkled throughout my articles. Just a small click, and voila! You’ll be supporting TBL while indulging in your gaming cravings on Humble Bundle and Fanatical. It’s like helping while having a virtual shopping spree. Win-win!

I’m all ears for your suggestions on how to make supporting TBL an even better experience. Together, we can turn it into the most epic, laughter-infused, and engaging support journey ever!

What’s the Plan for Those Funds?

Now, let’s talk serious business (but don’t worry, I’ll throw in a pun or two). While I cover a good chunk of the project’s expenses myself, with the help of ads and those trusty affiliate links, it’s not quite enough. That’s where you, step in!

Your contributions are what keep the turn-based lovers ship afloat, allowing me to invest more time, energy, and resources into TBL. Rest assured, every penny you send my way will be dedicated to the future of this glorious project. From upgrading equipment to bringing in top-notch freelancers, I’m determined to deliver turn-based awesomeness like never before.

So, from the bottom of my gaming-obsessed heart, thank you for being the wind beneath TBL’s wings. Together, we’ll conquer the gaming world, one turn at a time!

TBL Premium Supporters So Far

  • Luis Jonay Garabote Gómez (Patron Turn Based Lovers)
  • Marcel Faust (Patreon Turn Based Lovers)
  • 1223334444 (Patreon Turn Based Lovers)
  • DeusFultz (Youtube Member)
  • Alex (Youtube Member)
  • Everton Mazeba (Youtube Member)
  • Paul Larman (Youtube Member)