10 Turns Interviews
Our developer interviews. 10 turns for ten questions on game development, trivia, indie developers’ thoughts, tricks and secrets from the videogames world. All this can be found in our 10 Turns Interview.

10 Turns Interview with Call of Saregnar developers
“We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.”― Luciano ...

10 Turns Interview with Gem Wizards Tactics Developer
The Azure Order, The Potatoes, and The Business Demons are the cast of Gem Wizards Tactics. A solid and colorful ...

10 Turns Interview with Guardians of Gridvale Dev
After a shortstop, we are back on track with the 10 Turns Interviews. Today, I had the pleasure of chatting ...

10 Turns Interview with Legend of Keepers Developers
All around me is so dark that I can barely see the narrow dungeon walls corroded by moisture. I can ...

10 Turns Interview with Kazuhiro Igarashi, game designer of Brigandine: The Legend of Runersia
“Over the wintryforest, winds howl in ragewith no leaves to blow”by Natsume Sōseki Three lines and a total on 17 ...

10 Turns Interview with King Arthur: Knight’s Tale Developer
The King Arthur’s legend has always inspired films, cartoons, and lately many video games, and many of these with turn-based ...

10 Turns Interview with Broken Roads Developers
An old man and a child go together towards the evening. In the distance, the red dust raises above an ...

10 Turns Interview with Shockwork Games
Almost a year ago, we had the pleasure of e-meeting and interviewing the guys from Shockwork Games who were struggling ...

10 Turns Interview with Scarlet Republics developers
intrigued by the project, we decided to have a little "turn-based" chat with Kristian, creative director at Audacity Interactive, and what follows is the result of what he confessed...

10 Turns Interview with Wintermoor Tactics Club Developer
We had the pleasure to interview EVC Games, the developer actually working on Wintermoor Tactics Club. Promising visual-novel turn-based tactics ...