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Classic JRPG Rising Spire is Available in Early Access

Written by Marcello TBL

Rising Spire JRPG

Rising Spire, an intriguing blend of classic turn-based adventure game with modern twists, has been released in Early Access on Steam. This monumental milestone comes after three years of hard work, multiple iterations, and invaluable support from Kickstarter backers by a small studio composed of a programmer, an artist, and a writer.

Rising Spire

In Rising Spire Act 1, players are introduced to Atlas, a young and orphaned Nephilim, who embarks on a quest to protect those dear to him. As the narrative unfolds, players will witness Atlas discover dark secrets and grapple with the complexities of war, understanding that each conflict has two sides.

The initial Early Access release of Rising Spire offers a variety of content, including eight unique enemies, two boss encounters, two weapons for Atlas, two party members, and a classic turn-based combat system. Additionally, the game incorporates a day and night cycle, camping and cooking elements, and even an optional character arc for players to explore.

Rising Spire Gameplay

The developers stress that the primary purpose of releasing the game in Early Access is to involve JRPG fans in the development process to create a game that resonates with its player base. Rising Spire will continue to evolve with regular content updates as outlined in the Early Access Roadmap. As the team approaches each new milestone, they plan to update the roadmap with detailed information about what each patch includes.

The game’s developers encourage feedback and communication from the player community. If players have thoughts, comments, first impressions or encounter any bugs, they are urged to reach out. The team is committed to fostering an engaging dialogue with their player base to shape Rising Spire into a game that all JRPG fans can truly love. Below is an overview of the game via Steam.

About Rising Spire

Rising Spire is a turn-based RPG that breathes new life into a long loved genre, putting a fresh twist to the classic turn based combat system, story progression, and exploration, while delivering the feel-good and fun spirit of the ‘90s golden titles.

Born from our love for timeless names such as Final Fantasy and Persona, Rising Spire takes you on an epic journey through the harsh world of Malus – a world that seems keen on rejecting any and all gods. Learn what it takes to survive in these untamed wilds, form unexpected alliances, find the balance between humanity and angelic powers and try to survive the divine army trying to kill you at every step.

Rising Spire ditches the traditional class system in favor of a weapons switch system. As you progress through the game, you unlock new weapons, each with its unique abilities, runes and style of gameplay. Tweak your build and find the best combination of weapons to fit your style and lead you to victory.

You, Atlas, are a Nephilim. Not quite human, not quite Divine, you can walk both worlds the same – you can see a soul and you can also touch it. Use this to your advantage and harness the power of your enemies – store their purified souls inside your amulet and unleash their power to ensure victory in your next battles.

The day and night cycle greatly influences your journey and exploration as the environment adapts to the time of day. Some secrets are only revealed in the moonlight, but take caution – while you may see (and avoid) your enemies during the day, the night brings forth random encounters and powerful enemies!

Malus is a living world with a rich but dark past. While Rising Spire explores the classic JRPG themes of adventure, growth, and friendship, it also gives you a glimpse into darker themes such as loss, betrayal and revenge. Between unexpected twists and heavy subjects, you can also expect silly and lighthearted events to pop up. It is a real world, after all.

The story of Rising Spire is told by those around you, and the relationships you form shape your journey. Each character in Malus is created with a rich and full existence – dreams, fears, quirks and bad days. While you have the liberty to go straight forward and rush to the Spire, the full story can only be uncovered by spending time with those you meet, learning about them, helping them and creating powerful bonds. Complete all Character Arcs for the full experience!


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Marcello TBL

Italian Dad in love with Turn-Based RPGs and Indie Games. In 2018 he started Turn Based Lovers and now he can't live without it.