Mist Legacy

Mist Legacy

10 Free To Play Turn-Based RPGs of 2021


Looking for Free to Play Turn-Based PC RPGs? We got you covered. Below is a list of interesting options for players on a budget. From fantasy RPGs to card battler, MMO and strategy games. All the Free to play games shown below are PC games released during 2021, and some of them are also available on mobile devices.

Darkest Dungeon 2

On the Radar – October 2021


Reviewing reviews… “Even the fool can say something right,but always for the wrong reason“– Umberto Eco When we talk about ...

Keep An Eye On It 17

5 Upcoming RPGs & Strategy | KAEOI#17

Marcello TBL

Welcome back to a new episode of KAEOI. This week focused on 5 promising PC turn-based RPGs & Strategy Games. ...