
Fort Sumter

Fort Sumter – Review


GMT Games is a company that manufactures and sell wargames and boardgames. The former is its specialty: if you are ...

Strategic Command WWII: World at War – Review


The Strategic Command series has a history to its name. Series patriarch Hubert Carter has always maintained a specific goal ...

Druidstone: The secret of the Menhir forest

Druidstone: The Secret of the Menhir Forest – Review


The RPG genre is a very popular one nowadays and looking at all the titles that come out every year ...

Operencia: The Stolen Sun – Review


Operencia: The Stolen Sun is a dungeon crawler. The heyday of this genre was in early 90-s when graphics became ...

Thea 2: The Shattering Review

Thea 2: The Shattering – Review


Thea 2: The Shattering is a hybrid of game genres. You could call it turn-based or survival. Maybe even RPG. ...

Fell Seal: Arbiter’s Mark – Review


Rumors about the absence of strategy games on consoles are greatly exaggerated. Of course, gamepad is not the best device ...

Grimshade – Review


“The odds are against us” The story of this game come from afar. It was may 2018 when Talerock decided ...

Pillars of Eternity II with turn-based mode

Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire (with turn-based combat) – Review


You enter the dungeon. You see an intricate ancient relic. What do you do? Roll for perception check. Personally, I ...

Wargroove – Review


A small review for a “small” game War, war never changes… Yeah, I know this is not exactly the beginning ...

The Bard's Tale

The Bard’s Tale IV – Review

Marcello TBL

After +50 hours of play, here’s my review for the turn-based dungeon crawler The Bard’s Tale IV. The Bard’s Tale ...