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Jagged Alliance 3 – Announcement

Written by Marcello TBL

Jagged Alliance 3 Announcement

When Jagged Alliance is named, and it is done often, I always have a leap in my heart, in memory of one of the best turn-based tactical strategy games ever. Jagged alliance and in particular the second chapter, is often mentioned both because it is a source of inspiration for many developers and alas also for the various attempts made to give a respecting sequel created by Sir-Tech in the now very distant 1999. (Jagged Alliance 2)

The last gasp occurred a few days ago with the announcement of Jagged Alliance 3, direct, without half measures, by THQ Nordic during the 10th Anniversary Digital Showcase. The developer behind it will be the same from Tropico-Series, Surviving Mars, Victor Vran, and that leaves me hopeful. In any case, below, some info about the game and the announcement trailer.

Fans have been waiting for decades, to see the third edition of the legendary strategy franchise Jagged Alliance. The strategy game experts from Haemimont Games, well known for their work on the Tropico-Series, Surviving Mars, Victor Vran and many other great games will finally create a true successor to the beloved series.

This time, the player takes command of a mercenary organization in the fictional country of Grand Chien – a land thrown into chaos after a brutal paramilitary force known as “the Legion” took over. Jagged Alliance 3 will combine tactically deep, turn-based combat with exploration of a large game world with strategic elements including gaining control over territories, training local forces, and establishing multiple squads chosen from beloved mercenaries – all well known to fans of the series.

Jagged Alliance 3 will have RPG-elements like special perks or level-ups for your mercenaries, as well as looting and customizing your arsenal of weaponry. Coming to PC, Jagged Alliance 3 will also feature a co-op multiplayer mode so you can free Grand Chien together with a friend.


  • Engage in rich, tactical turn-based combat
  • Recruit from a large cast of unique mercenaries, including many familiar fan favorites
  • Loot, salvage, and customize an arsenal of weaponry and equipment
  • Choose from a wide array of special perks to customize your mercs as they level up
  • Decide the fate of Grand Chien in an open RPG structure
  • Control territory, train the locals, command multiple parties, and defend against enemy forces in an alive, active world
  • Experience the campaign with friends in online co-op mode


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Marcello TBL

Italian Dad in love with Turn-Based RPGs and Indie Games. In 2018 he started Turn Based Lovers and now he can't live without it.

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