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Turn Based Lovers News and Updates

Written by Marcello TBL

Discord Server

Ciao, Turn-Based Lovers, how are you? Below are some updates regarding everything that’s going on with TBL these days.


I tried everything I could to bring good writers on board, with the goal of creating the best content possible. I was able to support this quest, for some time – but at a cost I can’t sustain anymore. Visits have decreased in the last months and, with them, the incomes too have decreased.

In a way, we’re going back to the roots, to the times when I was just starting working on the website. Overviews, video games’ database updates, lists and videos will keep coming. Plus, every Saturday, I’ll publish press news. So, don’t worry, Turn Based Lovers will keep going just as it was meant to. And, obviously, we still accept passionate writers willing to join us on our adventure – but, sadly, we can’t afford to pay them.

Twitch & YouTube

Twitch Channel

Another great news source are Twitch Live Streams, where I’m having a ton of fun playing classic or newly-discovered turn-based games. Plus there are giveaways and more. The streams begin almost every morning, around 7:30 a.m. CET. So be sure to follow – we can talk about turn-based games and get to know each other.

Our YouTube channel, of course, is still there – and stronger than ever! Its growth is insane: we get 500+ new subscribers per month. At the moment we are already above 12,700 members!

Developers Form

Alright – now for some, more technical, information. A new, updated form for the developers is live. You can submit your project, and I’ll add it to our database. Just fill all the fields with info about your game, and I’ll publish it in the Games section – and maybe do some video coverage too. Check it out, here. – feedback, of course, is greatly appreciated.

Discord Server

Discord Server

A while ago, I merged the TBL discord server with that of the TurnBasedThursday Staff – and since then it’s become a place full of life. Lots of devs, fans and other passionate people joined, and continue to join. If you are a dev you can make announcements, ask for feedback and more; if you are a lover of turn-based games you can get in touch with the devs, talk about the games you like – and even off-topic (you just might learn how to make a true Italian pizza!).

So, here are all the big news regarding TBL. Finally, I just want to thank you all for your incredible support; especially those who come back every day to these pages, looking for updates. I’ll continue to do my best, and I assure you that everything I can do on my own will be done! – for sure 🙂 So, TBL will keep going 🙂


Photo of author

Marcello TBL

Italian Dad in love with Turn-Based RPGs and Indie Games. In 2018 he started Turn Based Lovers and now he can't live without it.