Developed by Rideon Japan, Inc. who are responsible for the Mercenaries Saga franchise and published by Kemco, Suna no Kuni Kyuutei Kajiya or localized as The Court Blacksmith of the Sand Kingdom was released on January 7, 2021. It is available for a slew of platforms from iOS, Android, Playstation 4/5, XBox One /X/S, Steam, and Nintendo Switch.
The military mecca of Muspelheim
“The desert nation of Muspelheim, alos known as the Sand Kingdom, lies in the center of the continent. Once an impoverished nation, Muspelheim developed a successful business training a new generation of soldier and adventurers. As a result, it became a great, militaristic kingdom. Many of its citizens aspire to become soldiers and adventurers themselves.”
Choose your adventurers minus the default hero
Beginning classes: Fighter, Archer, Priest, Wizard, Thief. These are your standard RPG jobs and each respectively focuses on probably what you might guess it would i.e. fighters have good attack, wizards have good magic power. These jobs can be changed at anytime in town.
Faiths: Sagrinoth of the Sun, Cherona of the Earth, Lamoneia of Womanhood, Ngunesis of Misery, Khanos of Fire, Aegruz of the Ocean, Borg of War, Dhalsus of the Bastion, Sallunde of the Hunt, Cherrar of Trade, Araqera of Wisdom, Ro’Den of Wine, Nkolka of the Harvest. There are thirteen total deities in this game. Each has its own faith blessing which will give you some type of boost status-wise usually. Some faith blessings need to be unlocked via quests. It usually good to pair a faith with a job it compliments like a fighter with a faith that improves attack. These also can be changed at anytime in town.
Friends when you need them
The Iron Bird is the name of the blacksmith located in Santburg which is the capital of Muspelheim. The blacksmith used to be owned by the hero’s father Ulrich. He was sent to the vanguard when a war broke out between Muspelheim and its neighbor, Albeim. He never came back..
The center of it all
Workshop: With help from Pitte and Valeria, this is the home base of the hero Volker. You can create items, reverse creations, view the blacksmith tree, modify, and display items. After you have chosen which items to display and thus sell. The day changes and you are able to repeat things limited to once a day.
Adventurer’s Guild: This is where you do can complete requests which is necessary in order to progress the game, training where you can level up skills for money, and change classes. It is run by Aegon, Ulrich’s old friend.
Infirmary: The infirmary is where you treat your allies like an inn (it costs money according to how much you need to be healed) and where you can change your faith. It is run by Father Kristoff.
Item Shop: This is pretty self-explanatory. But it is important to check now and then to see if they have recipes for sale where you can learn new crafts. It is run by Horick.
Tavern: The tavern is where you can eat a meal once a day which can give a lot of experience points depending on what you eat. Try to take advantage of this as it can be a great way to level up. The tavern is run by Carmela.
Dungeons: Dungeons are basically fields and such where you can farm for materials, search for treasure chests, complete quests, and fight enemies. You are only allowed to go to a dungeon once per day.