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Skills You Get from Playing Video Games

Written by smoothie

Gaming Tournament

The number of people worldwide who play video games surpassed three billion in 2023, showcasing the tremendous level of popularity gaming has gained. Although some individuals perceive gaming as a non-productive or potentially harmful pastime, it is essential to recognize that video games can impart valuable lessons transferable to real-life situations. Contrary to common misconceptions, playing video games offers an opportunity for individuals to acquire and enhance new skills and abilities.

If you play games for fun or want to compete with others, you develop different skills that are beneficial both in daily life and in a work setting. These skills include problem-solving, critical thinking, hand-eye coordination, and spatial awareness. Video games can impart useful skills that are beneficial in many life areas. Now, let’s examine 6 skills you can gain from playing video games.

Time management

Playing video games can boost your time management abilities by teaching you to prioritize tasks and decide quickly. However, mastering a new skill often requires significant time. If you face challenges managing your time, you may want to consider ordering assignments online from essay writing services or asking to “write my research paper by domyessay services.” This service can grant you additional time dedicated to gaming or other essential responsibilities.

In numerous video games, specific missions must be finished within a set time frame by players. This means that players need to be able to manage their time wisely, prioritize essential objectives, and figure out the quickest and most convenient way to finish a task. As players progress through various stages, they encounter fresh obstacles and time constraints. This motivates players to strategize their approach and decisions, and above all, make efficient use of their time to reach their goals.

Social skills

Online gaming has led to a significant increase in player interaction. Now, anyone who has a functional device and internet access can play video games alongside friends and individuals from different parts of the globe. Through the chat feature within the game, players have the opportunity to engage in genuine social interactions with all kinds of people they encounter online. What could enhance communication skills more effectively than attempting to establish a standard connection with strangers in a game?

Playing games helps gamers develop practical teamwork skills when collaborating with their friends. In addition to interacting with friends, gamers now have the opportunity to communicate with people from different parts of the world. This broadens their social interactions beyond the confines of school campuses and allows them to gain insights into diverse cultural backgrounds. Who knows, this exposure may even inspire gamers to learn new languages.

Critical Thinking

All experienced gamers understand that every choice they make in the game carries certain risks and possible outcomes, regardless of the type of game they are playing, such as Grand Theft Auto or Tetris. One must thoughtfully evaluate choices and make smart decisions to finish the task successfully. Often, these decisions must be made quickly, which helps to sharpen analytical skills in high-pressure scenarios and allows players to maintain a calm demeanor.

Having hasty reactions during critical times can result in serious outcomes, affecting yourself and those impacted by your choices. Being able to think quickly and stay calm not only benefits your everyday life but also makes you appealing to potential employers. Playing video games can improve your problem-solving abilities, allowing you to learn how to employ logic and creativity to find the right solutions.

Patience and endurance

If you have experience with games like Souls-like or Super Meat Boy, you likely understand how important it is to be patient while playing. Staying composed during frustrating game moments, like resisting the urge to hurl your keyboard, can be tough. Yet, perseverance and patience are key traits for real-life achievements. People with patience tend to handle challenges better and wait for positive results without getting anxious.

It can be challenging to cultivate patience, but playing video games can offer a stress-free environment to develop this skill. Constantly experiencing the cycle of dying, respawning, and starting over challenges the patience and determination of even experienced gamers. This process allows players to learn from past errors and continue progressing. For improved outcomes down the line, it’s vital to remain steadfast and composed during current challenges.

Hand-Eye Coordination

A recent study conducted by the University of Toronto has found that individuals who play video games daily, mainly action games like “CoD” and “Assassin’s Creed,” tend to excel in tasks involving sensorimotor abilities. The research implies that playing video games could be a viable treatment option for those struggling with hand-eye coordination or similar sensorimotor skills.

This could be accurate as having proficient hand-eye coordination is necessary for playing even simple video games. As you develop this skill, your gaming abilities will improve as your reaction time and ability to press buttons quickly without needing to look will enhance. Moreover, the advantages of enhancing hand-eye coordination extend beyond gaming. It can also boost your efficiency in daily tasks such as cooking or typing.

Cognitive skills

In many video games, there is a need for solid focus, fast reactions, and making quick choices. Additionally, engaging in tasks like remembering characters, and locations, and solving puzzles can enhance your memory and ability to pay attention to details. Open-world games like Minecraft and Stardew Valley are known to spark creativity. In these games, you’re free to let your creative side flourish.

Participating in video games yields beneficial effects on cognitive abilities for individuals of various age groups, particularly youngsters and adolescents. Regardless of the gaming platform or operating system being used, involvement in video games enhances reaction time, mental adaptability, spatial memory, and capacity for focused attention. These cognitive skills are pivotal for achieving academic success, as they allow for swift information processing and effective retention of significant data.


You can acquire six skills by playing video games. Remember this the next time you play a game – you’re not only playing but also developing new skills!