
Top 10 Roguelites/Roguelikes to play in 2022

Roguelite Party – Top 10 Turn-Based Roguelites to play in 2022 – Part II

Marcello TBL

What's the difference between Roguelike/Roguelites?? I don't know.... and I'm not very intent on getting into that in this article. What I do know, however, is that to give a guideline to our blog and especially to my mind, I define Roguelikes as all those games that arise from the ashes of Rogue (1980) and therefore what I expect to find in this tag are games like Stoneshard , Tangledeep, Tales of Maj'eyal, ADOM and more.

Pawnbarian Demo Let’s Play by Sampstra Games


Steam Page: Build a deck of chess moves and squash some tentacle monsters.

5 Upcoming indie RPGs and Strategy Games

5 promising Indie Turn-Based RPGs | KAEOI 7

Marcello TBL

We are finally in the new year and taking a quick assessment I cannot say that my 2020 has been ...