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The Steam Game Festival: Autumn Edition

Written by Hardcase


Try (or watch) before buying” It’s exactly this the philosophy behind the Steam Autumn Festival!
In other words: a lot of livestreams, events and, above all, a lot of demos to try for us, always eager to discover new promising games. Obviously even our beloved turn-based games have something to show or to offer.

Indeed among hundreds of games that take part to the Festival it’s possible to find tons of turn-based game. Many of them already appeared on our blog, so, this time, I decided to focus my attention on a short list of little gems that we had shamefully almost ignored in the past. Some of them seems really promising, others appears – at least – very crazy and original.

I remember you that these special demos can be downloaded only during the Festival so until the 13th October. Keep it in mind.

That being said, let’s see which games we can try!


This game has been on my personal radar for quite some time now (even too much!). In the far 2018 Marcello, in his overview, described it like a mix of XCOM, MASS EFFECT and DIVINITY, but that moment the game has evolved into a more mature project.

The story may be not so original (an agent which has to infiltrate into an alien station to rescue her team…) but it seems well narrated and with a dynamic system of choices/consequnces. Among its main features we find: an original turn-based combat system with an unique use of Martial Arts (Star Trek meets Jackie Chan!), and interestings exploration phase and many playable characters each one with his class and his set of Specializations.

You can download the demo here.


Gamedec is a single-player cyberpunk isometric RPG. When I heard of it for the very first time, I mentally associated it to Disco Elysium. In fact, reading its feature, it becomes quite obvious which is the inspiration of this game. It can be considered like a cyberpunk version of the cult game from ZA/UM Studio.

In Gamedec you are a detective, who solves crimes inside virtual worlds. I haven’t tried the demo yet, but I don’t think that in Gamedec we could find any “combat” (at least not in its usual meaning). Instead, like in many others detective games, we will have to use our wits to gather info and clues from witnesses and suspects. But maybe the most important feature of the game is adaptiveness”: in Gamedec you will have to make a lot of choices and there will not be good ones or bad ones, just choices and consequences.

You can find the demo here.


Red Ronin tells the story of a girl, called Red, on her insane quest looking for revenge against a group known as The Wind, guilty of killing the love of her life.

Defined as a “Tactical Turn Based Dash n Slash game”, Red Ronin has, among its main features, a unique and frenetic combat system and a strong taste for bloodbaths! If you have ever played to “Friday the 13th” on Android you can get a basic idea of the gameplay.

You can grab the demo here.


The description of this game is one of those that cannot be ignored: “The Hand of Merlin is a turn-based rogue-lite RPG in which Arthurian legend clashes with sci-fi horror.”

The tactical combat system seems very deep and enough hard to manage. In this respect, the use of ambushes, of high grounds and cover will be extremely important because every single fight can be your last one.
The game features a non-linear narrative, written by Jonas Kyratzes (The Talos Principle, Serious Sam 4) and Verena Kyratzes (The Lands of Dream, Serious Sam 4), with tons of random events that can really turn the tide of your journey!

Come and get your demo now!


Another rather original game.
Guide Mindy and her brave HoloBuddies through a colorful and lysergic world to save the island of Fistopia.
Defined as “a tie-in game for a cartoon that doesn’t exist!” Holofist tries to mix, with a keen sense of humor, adventures, exploration and turn-based battles.

You can find the demo here.


Tactical Combat Department is a tactical turn-based strategy game.
You command a special intervention squad that intervenes in various situations and environments.

During your tense missions you’ll have to:

  • consider the psychological reactions of both civilians and suspects
  • choose between a stealth or an action approach
  • secure, as soon as possible, all suspects and civilians

If interested you can grab the demo here.


I really love when someone try to think of something original in the genre of turn-based games. It’s not easy, and I think that even attempting to do that deserves appreciation!
The Captain is Dead is a  turn-based, survival/strategy game that puts you in the Captain’s chair as you try to save your crew from a band of very badass aliens.

Your ship is besieged and you as the Captain have to command and coordinate your crew. Each team member has a very particular set of skills that you’ll need to leverage to the full if you want to survive!

Don’t sleep on this one. Take the demo here.


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True Italian with certified mustache made of pasta. Lawyer for a living, writer for passion. Turn-Based Lovers collaborator and many other unnecessary things.

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