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Top Turn-Based RPGs and Strategy Games Releasing in July 2023

Written by Marcello TBL

Top RPGs and Strategy Games releasing in July 2023

2023 is already half over, but things are just warming up for turn-based gaming! From JRPG classics to new and notable indies, enough games are coming in July alone to keep you busy for the rest of the year.

Whether you’re looking for hundred-hour epic or tense tactical battles, a game will come in July for you. Be sure to set aside some time for gaming the week of the 17th, as exciting new releases are coming almost every day! Which games are you most excited to play?

The Legend of Heroes: Trails Into Reverie – 7 July

Trails into Reverie

You’re unlikely to find a franchise with more depth and lore than The Legend Of Heroes, a JRPG saga that spans multiple series. Trails Into Reverie marks the culmination of the current series, determining the fate of beloved heroes and the world they inhabit.

Trails Into Reverie lets players follow the intertwining stories of three different protagonists, making the game both a fully modern RPG that also calls back to the multi-hero tales of the genre’s heyday. Even if this is your first Legend Of Heroes game, it’s looking like this will be one to remember. Set to release on Steam, Switch, and PlayStation.

Atelier Marie: Remake – 13 July

Atelier Marie Remake: The Alchemist of Salburg Pre-Orders available now

Speaking of long-running JRPG series with a cult following, the Atelier franchise is bigger than ever, thanks to the success of the Atelier Ryza trilogy, which capped off earlier this year. Players hoping for more alchemical action can get their fill with the Atelier Marie Remake!

Rather than going off on legendary quests, Atelier Marie brings JRPG gameplay into a cozy, relaxed setting. As Marie, you’ll explore the area around your town, gathering ingredients and working to pass your alchemy school exam! It’s a great entry point for players curious about a series that’s loaded with charm, on PC via Steam, Nintendo Switch, and PlayStation.

Jagged Alliance 3 – 14 July

Jagged Alliance 3 Aim System

Players looking for a chance to flex their tactical muscles will find plenty to do in Jagged Alliance 3. As a fictional nation’s elected government collapses, players will hire, equip, and command a squad of mercenaries to fight the ensuing war.

If you love XCOM-style tactical combat, you won’t want to miss Jagged Alliance 3‘s deep, challenging battles. The choices you make will determine the outcome of the conflict, and you can even play co-op with friends! Slated for PC release via Steam and GOG.

The Book of Warriors – 17 July

The Book Of Warriors

This indie title has been in early access since September, and its full release is expected this month. Fans of Fire Emblem will want to check out this hand-drawn tactical RPG, especially considering that it’s less than $10 USD.

The major caveat with The Book Of Warriors is that it’s currently only available in Chinese. If that’s not a problem for you, or if you’re looking for an excuse to learn the language, try the demo – maybe you’ll find your new favorite indie game! On Pc via Steam.

Xenonauts 2 – 18 July

Xenonauts 2

It’s a harsh truth, but XCOM 3 is still years away at best. In the meantime, you can get plenty of tactical alien-blasting action with Xenonauts 2! Playing like a cross between XCOM and Phantom Doctrine, Xenonauts 2 lets players defend the Earth from an alien invasion in an alternate universe where the Cold War is still going in the 21st century.

Xenonauts 2 is a bit gritter than XCOM, but that just makes it stand out more as its own game. Not only will you have to fight off the aliens, but you’ll also need to keep their very existence a secret! Wishlist it on Steam and GOG.

Cross Tails – 19 July

Cross Tails

If you enjoyed last year’s Tactics Ogre Reborn, then Cross Tails could be your next tactical deep dive. With a brand-new setting and a lovely art style, this could potentially start a new fan-favorite franchise.

Engage in turn-based battles on a 3D quarter view stage, strategically utilizing the terrain and character orientation and unleash the potential of over 30 classes, from sturdy knights to skilled archers, and strengthen weapons and armor using powerful runestones. On PC via Steam.

Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes Definite Edition – 20 July

Might and Magic Clash of Heroes

The Griffin Empire, the Heroes Of Might And Magic reboot setting, is a wonderfully detailed fantasy world that lots of players missed out on because the games themselves suffered a sharp drop in quality. Clash Of Heroes may not be a proper HOMM game, but it serves as a prequel for a setting that deserves more love.

Clash‘s puzzle-battle gameplay and cartoony look might not gel with the rest of the series, but it provides a fun new way to fight fantasy battles. Besides, the franchise has been dead in the water for some time now, so maybe a new look and style is just what it needs to find a new audience! On PC via Steam and Nintendo Switch.

Punch Club 2 – 20 July

Punch Club 2

The original Punch Club was an astonishingly deep training sim with a rise-to-glory tale about an aspiring fighter. Punch Club 2 takes the same concept and puts it into a cyberpunk setting, offering new challenges and new moves for dealing with them!

Players must manage their fighter’s time, money, and growth to have a shot at a championship. Best of all, the game’s dystopian setting is brought to life with some slick pixel art. Even if boxing isn’t your thing, give the demo for Punch Club 2 a try – you might find yourself drawn in! On PC via Steam.

Space Cats Tactics – 24 July

Space Cats Tactics

Don’t let the title fool you – Space Cats Tactics is a contender for space combat game of the year. In this feline space opera, you’ll have to manage your ship’s systems by assigning crew on board while at the same time positioning your vessel and firing weapons.

It’s FTL meets XCOM meets Battlefleet Gothic, and the fact that a solo developer made Space Cats Tactics makes it all the more astonishing. This is one indie game that you’ll definitely want to check out on Steam.

Great Ambition of The Slimes – 27 July

Great Ambition of the Slimes Gameplay

Slimes have always gotten a bad rap in JRPGs. They were the weakest enemies in the original Dragon Quest, and they haven’t gotten much more respect since; when a Slime appears in a turn-based battle, it’s either a simple encounter or a never-ending slog against dividing foes.

Great Ambition Of The Slimes (the sequel to 2018’s Ambition Of The Slimes) puts the gooey guys in the limelight. They’re still weak, but your slippery soldiers can absorb and possess humans, gaining the powers of traditional RPG classes. It’s a fun twist on isometric TRPG gameplay, so try the demo! On PC via Steam.

Arcadian Atlas – 27 July

Arcadian Atlas

If you’re looking for a tactical RPG that’s more serious, Arcadian Atlas launches the same day as Great Ambition Of The Slimes. A tale of two lovers thrust into the middle of a war, this game looks like it could be a long-lost sequel to Final Fantasy Tactics or Tactics Ogre!

Developing your individual soldiers is always a big part of the draw in games like this – to say nothing of the deep, intrigue-heavy plots – and Arcadian Atlas offers skill trees for each class, giving players a huge amount of control over their troops’ growth. On PC via Steam.


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Marcello TBL

Italian Dad in love with Turn-Based RPGs and Indie Games. In 2018 he started Turn Based Lovers and now he can't live without it.