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King Arthur: Knight’s Tale – Rising Eclipse and Patch 2.0 Update

Written by Marcello TBL

King Arthur Knight's Tale

One of the best Turn-Based Tactical RPGs of 2022 is getting new content

NeocoreGames unveiled today their monumental update for King Arthur: Knight’s Tale. This second seasonal content, named Rising Eclipse, and the game-changing patch 2.0 will roll out on December 2, 2023.

King Arthur
  • What’s New in Rising Eclipse?
    • Delve into an enthralling new mission chain centered on the Seelie and Unseelie Courts of Avalon.
    • Discover fresh seasonal mechanics and unveil a new seasonal structure in Camelot.
  • Patch 2.0 Highlights:
    • A colossal gameplay transformation influenced directly by community insights.
    • Class and character equilibrium tweaks, novel skills, recalibrated boss confrontations and maps, item enhancements, and a plethora of other enhancements.

This significant update, including the season, won’t cost a dime extra for existing game owners. Stay tuned as more intricate patch notes and details emerge closer to the release date.

  • King Arthur: Knight’s Tale At A Glance:
    • A groundbreaking blend of turn-based tactical gameplay with the nuance of a character-driven RPG.
    • An imaginative modern take on the timeless Arthurian myths, saturated with dark fantasy undertones and an unconventional narrative on classic chivalric tales.

Great news for console fans – King Arthur: Knight’s Tale will soon debut on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series S|X. PC players, there’s an intriguing expansion on the horizon centered around the enigmatic Ninth Legion of Rome.

Dive into what critics opine about King Arthur: Knight’s Tale via our Accolades Trailer.

Dive Deeper into King Arthur: Knight’s Tale:

Journey into a gloomy fantasy realm rooted in the captivating Arthurian mythos. You are not a traditional hero; instead, you are Sir Mordred, the formidable adversary of King Arthur. Thrust into a narrative right after the renowned battle of Camlann. Your destiny is interwoven with that of Arthur in a tale of betrayal, revenge, and redemption. But Avalon beckons, and the Lady of the Lake has a task for you – finish what was once begun.

  • Features to Look Out For:
    • Your Fights: Master intricate turn-based combat scenarios with your band of heroes.
    • Your Heroes: Assemble the Knights of the Round Table, nurturing their growth, and tackling their unique challenges and loyalties.
    • Your Kingdom: Reconstruct Camelot, navigate the expansive Adventure Map, and manage the heroes’ health and strategies.
    • Your Legend: Embark as Sir Mordred on a quest fraught with moral quandaries, culminating in a rich endgame narrative.

The game goes beyond the main narrative, offering over 50 unique exploratory points on the Adventure Map. Experience diverse terrains, from foreboding castle dungeons to the ethereal forests of the Sídhe, all meticulously crafted using photo-scanned environments and complemented by high-end mocap animation. Prepare to tackle seven distinct enemy factions, confront over 50 enemy types, and brace for ten epic boss battles.

King Arthur: Knight’s Tale is available on PC via Steam and Humble.


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Marcello TBL

Italian Dad in love with Turn-Based RPGs and Indie Games. In 2018 he started Turn Based Lovers and now he can't live without it.