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Might is Right | Old-School RPG | Gameplay First Look

Written by Marcello TBL


Let’s play Might is Right by Lazy Kitty. An indie old-school RPG released on 19 Feb, 2021. You take control of a squad of up to 6 characters, including your hero and 5 mercenaries. I love old-school RPG and Might is Right has captured the essence of the great classics but with an innovative and intuitive GUI. I recommend it to all lovers of RPGs, character growth, and a not-so-low level of challenge.

About Might is Right

Might is Right is an old-school turn-based strategy game. It has simple controls and deep complex mechanics.

You take control of a squad of up to 6 characters, including your hero and 5 mercenaries. You explore a huge world fighting your way through the troops of numerous enemies. Each character gains experience in combat, as well as new levels, increasing parameters and receiving talent points. The number of levels is unlimited.

Each character has their own talent tree, offering completely different play styles. The talents allow you to develop tactical roles in combat – or even change them. For example, fragile mages can turn into full-fledged tanks, harmless healers are able to return decent damage, and severely wounded units can heal their allies effectively.


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Marcello TBL

Italian Dad in love with Turn-Based RPGs and Indie Games. In 2018 he started Turn Based Lovers and now he can't live without it.

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