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Sandwalkers – Announced

Written by Marcello TBL

Sandwalkers Roguelite

Goblinz Studio just announced Sandwalkers. A brand new PC & Switch Roguelite Turn-Based game with no release date yet. Below some information about the game and the announcement trailer.

Every decade, the Mka tribe sends caravans of adventurers into the Phithi, the meteorological chaos that keeps the Uwando tribes isolated from each other and makes life outside the refuges almost impossible.

Their mission: to establish diplomatic and trade relations, to explore and reclaim the lands left to the mercy of monsters and pirates, and, most importantly, to plant a new tree city that can become a refuge for the Mka and their allies. Regardless of the success or failure of their mission, the caravans must send the memories they have gained back to the capital, using the crystospheres carried by traveling beetles.

Key Features

  • Guide a caravan of adventurers through ever-changing landscapes.
  • Fight and survive in the face of acid rain, sandstorms and heat waves.
  • Tame hostile creatures, rescue refugees, seek allies for mutual aid, or follow the blood path and loot everything you can.
  • Seek rich arable soil to plant a new Tree City for your people.
  • Progress by passing on your knowledge to a new caravan.
  • Repair the broken climate, and put an end to centuries of wandering.


  • Make choices that will affect your future expeditions.
  • Each character has a different job that greatly influences the gameplay. It’s up to you to explore mythical ruins as an Archeologist, or track down huge beasts as a Hunter.
  • Don’t underestimate the weather! It influences the movements of the characters and the outcomes of confrontations.


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Marcello TBL

Italian Dad in love with Turn-Based RPGs and Indie Games. In 2018 he started Turn Based Lovers and now he can't live without it.

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