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Tactics Returners – Overview

Written by Marcello TBL

Tactics Returners RPG

Tactics Returners is a Turn-Based Tactics RPG inspired by 90′ classics featuring a 2d world, free roam exploration, complex job and talent system, and a lovely graphic style.

Tactics Returners

In-Game Background Story

The story jumps between different factions within The Empire, ultimately centering around the exploits of the Rebellion Faction known as “The Returners” and their struggle for independence. Experience brand new adventures through several characters and story arcs, and aid The Returners through cleaver strategy and tactics.


As quoted by the devs themself, Tactics Returners takes inspiration from games like Final Fantasy Tactics, offering similar combat systems inside square grid-based maps.

Key Features

  • 2D Tactical Battle Fields
    This entire engine is in 2D, with the focus on making battlefield engagements easier to read even through multiple floors and environmental factors.
  • TP Boost System
    Taking inspiration from fighting games, a TP Boost system is in place, shared by the whole party. Through character progression, many techs and magics can become boostable and are key when used at the opportune time to gain an advantage over the enemy.
  • High-Quality Aesthetics
    Great time and care was taken to create a world where all artistic aspects were specifically made to work together, creating an overall quality feel using modern anime production techniques.
  • Meaningful Job & Talent Upgrade System
    A very robust job, equipment, and talent system is in place, ready to help the player customize their parties in order to face the many challenges that await them.
  • Story Rich & Freeroam Exploration
    The story is told through cutscenes as well as free roaming areas, that let the player interact with NPCs and explore the world. This can open up new content and sidequests.
Tactics Returners Gameplay

About Tactics Returners Devs

A couple of indie devs from professional backgrounds, self-driven to work on their life long passion project. Being fanatical strategy gamers, Tactics Returners is a project created by people who’ve played to completion many games from this particular genre. Using their talents, they focused on overall world art, NPC AI, and UI.

They hope to be able to share a wonderful new gameplay experience, and tell exciting new stories to many players looking for a new adventure. Players can follow them on Twitter, where they post updates regularly.

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Tactics Returners Release Date & Platforms

Tactics Returners is planned to be released on PC and Consoles, but no date has been set so far.


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Marcello TBL

Italian Dad in love with Turn-Based RPGs and Indie Games. In 2018 he started Turn Based Lovers and now he can't live without it.

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