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How to Write an Essay on Your Favorite Video Game

Written by Marcello TBL

How To Write an Essay

When you are in school or college, you are faced with writing essays on absolutely any topic. Teachers like to give such an assignment to students, as it shows their writing skills and also reveals their personality and interests.

One of the main interests of young people nowadays is video games. In the year 2022, we have many opportunities to play video games with any plot and on any platform, be it a computer, phone, or PlayStation.

And so, if you have received an assignment to write an essay about your favorite video game, we want to help you and provide you with the best ways to write this paper. Let’s go!

Steps to writing an essay on video games

Choose your favorite video game

You can’t start writing an essay if you don’t have a clear understanding of your future paper and what you want to write in it. You should think about which video game you like the most and why it is so exciting to you. Identify for yourself the best aspects of a video game: its universe, characters, or plot. You can also draw parallels to your own life and include them in your essay.

This step can be linked to a brainstorming stage. We recommend you write down all your ideas, as later it will be easier for you to structure your essay, explain the main idea and give the right arguments. If you’re stuck at this step, by visiting you can learn more about writing essays and get professional help.

Do research

If you want to write an in-depth and high-quality essay about video games, you should define a video game. When you research the data in this field and find additional information, the result of your work will be much better. Therefore, essay writers advise you to do your own research and find out as many details as possible.

Study the genre of your favorite video game

Every day the use of technology and its capabilities are increasing and that is why we have such a variety of video games on the market. There are many genres of video games. Some people like sports themes, some people like adventure games, and some people like horror themes.

To write a successful essay, you have to learn about your video game genre and reveal this point in your paper. Focus on questions such as: What is the purpose of the video game genre? What do they give players?

Mention game history

Have you ever wondered why there are so many essay writing services online that confidently offer their services to students? Not only do essay writers have higher education and extensive writing experience, but they also always do an in-depth analysis of the topic of the future essay. It necessarily includes history and that’s why you should also find useful data, and learn about different eras and how video games have evolved throughout the years. 

The teacher will definitely appreciate this information in your essay!

Include colorful examples

To show that your essay about video games has credible information, write my essay service suggest to include a couple of colorful examples. Your teacher, who is unlikely to be interested in video games, with such examples, it will be much easier to understand your paper and what you mean.

Examples in papers like essays have never been and will never be superfluous. If it is possible, you can make an illustration of some moments from the game and it will surely interest your reader!

Start writing about your favorite video game

Once you’ve decided on a game and delved into information about the history and genres of video games, all that’s left to do is focus and write your perfect essay. Many students have difficulty at this stage because they do not have writing skills.

Next, the paper writing service will share with you a list of steps that will help you structure your ideas and write your video game essay with ease.

Write the thesis statement

After brainstorming, you probably have a lot of written-down ideas and paragraphs that don’t connect. The essay should have a definite point of view and any paper writer develops a thesis statement at the beginning. There is nothing complicated about this. It’s just one or two sentences where the choice of your favorite video game is explained.


After completing the first step, it is advisable to make an outline of the essay and include a compelling argument and ideas. By doing this, you will be able to structure your paragraphs and follow your writing plan.

Write the main part

If you have completed all of the previous steps, writing the main body of the essay will seem easy. The most important thing is to separate the ideas into paragraphs and include everything in one. This can confuse the reader. Also, don’t forget to use linking words to make the transitions between paragraphs more logical.

Revise, edit, and proofread

When you’ve finished writing, don’t be lazy to reread your paper, check for mistakes, and edit it if necessary. You can also give your essay to family and friends, they will look at it with fresh eyes. Moreover, if you have any problems, feel free to contact the college essay writing service and they will help you improve your essay.

Final words

Writing an essay about video games expands your knowledge about this universe and also gives other people the opportunity to take an interest in it. Your paper will not only help inspire them but also allow them to learn something new for themselves. With our tips, you can definitely do it by writing a top-notch essay!


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Marcello TBL

Italian Dad in love with Turn-Based RPGs and Indie Games. In 2018 he started Turn Based Lovers and now he can't live without it.

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