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Popular Degrees That are Perfect for Gamers

Written by Marcello TBL


The Video Game Industry Is Booming And You Can Take This Opportunity To Make A Career In It

If you are a gamer, then you already know that playing video games is not a waste of time. It is known for making you smarter in many ways. It is a popular source of entertainment for many people and that means there is an equal opportunity boom in the industry for people who want to work there. The best thing about this is that the gaming industry has many different types of degrees to offer so you get to choose one the best suits your personality. Below are some popular degrees that can help you set on your path to a great career in the gaming industry. 

Computer Science

One of the core competencies needed for a gamer is the elaborate knowledge of computers and programming. You will be able to find helpful information about this degree and what it comprises online. A bachelor’s degree in computer science is a great place for you to start as a gamer. There are universities both online and offline that can help you to learn complex coding methods and sharpen your skill in mathematics and science. You will be able to learn how to make video games. This degree will broaden your scope in the world of video games and you can take many different paths in your career through it. 

Software Engineering

Software engineering is without doubt one of the fastest developing fields today. The gaming industry is also in constant need of software engineers and this makes it a great option to study for anyone who wants a career in the same field. This degree includes learning how to program, network, and fundamentals of the database. Modern methods of incorporating artificial intelligence and usability are also a part of this course. 

Game Development And Programming

This degree will help you to be trained in software engineering as well as in multimedia designing. You will have enhanced knowledge about animation and modeling and digital graphics. Along with all these, this degree also helps you to learn a lot about programming. It can help to fast-track your career in the gaming industry. With this degree, you can have a career as a programmer, designer, or computer applications engineer. 

Art And Media Design

When it comes to gaming one of the most important elements is definitely the design incorporated. With a degree in Game Art or Interactive media design, you will learn the aesthetic and artistic side of gaming. It includes learning how to shade and lighten, animation and its effects, and any other element that helps to enhance the visual experience of the gamers. 

Animation Effects

With a degree in computer animation, you get to study 2D and 3D animations. You also can be a part of the visual development team. You will be responsible for making interactive models and adding uniqueness to the game. It also includes maintaining the content quality.

With the leap in this industry, getting a good job in the Gaming sector is no more a hard and arduous task. By getting a formal degree you will just increase your chances for better opportunities and be able to beat the competition. 


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Marcello TBL

Italian Dad in love with Turn-Based RPGs and Indie Games. In 2018 he started Turn Based Lovers and now he can't live without it.

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