WitchSpring R

Eison - Key Art - WitchSpring R

Eison – WitchSpring R: Pets Guide


Eison is a rideable pet in WitchSpring R. For some players, me included, may have ended up almost finishing the ...

WitchSpring R Pets - Featured Image - Boar Jr and Pieberry

WitchSpring R Pets: A Conclusive Tier List


So maybe you’ve recently just started playing WitchSpring R and you’re looking for your next favorite pet. Or maybe you’re ...

WitchSpring R Key Art

WitchSpring R: An Overwhelmingly Positive Witch RPG – Review


What started out as a series of mobile RPGs has now been remade as a fully-fledged JRPG. This sleeper hit ...

WitchSpring R

Simulator JRPG WitchSpring R – Progress and Release Window

Marcello TBL

I talked about WitchSpring R in my KAEOI55. The game developed by indie dev KIWIWALKS is a JRPG mixing together ...

Grand Arms - Ispired by Ogre Battles

Top 10 Indie Turn-Based Games to add in your wishlist 2022-2023 | Kaeoi55

Marcello TBL

My greatest passion is, to look for new games, those semi-unknown indie videogames lost in the vast library of online ...