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Backpack Hero 1.0 Release Date and Updated Roadmap

Written by Marcello TBL

Backpack Hero

Attention, backpackers! Exciting news awaits you! Backpack Hero 1.0 will be released in May for PC, Switch, PlayStation, and Xbox! The past months of Early Access have been crucial for the game’s development, and the team at Backpack Hero couldn’t be more thankful for the feedback and support received. As they prepare to leave Early Access, they’re committed to making Backpack Hero the best game it can be, and they’re eager to learn more with your feedback.

The Town Update is a significant addition to Backpack Hero’s core gameplay, and players can expect to dive deeper into the game’s complexity as they progress through the dungeons. Additionally, players can look forward to designing their own space in the Town Update, making it a unique experience for everyone.

The updated roadmap for Early Access promises character reworks, balance, polish, Kickstarter rewards, and an unwavering commitment to improving Backpack Hero with player feedback. So, mark your calendars for May and get ready to experience the thrill of Backpack Hero 1.0!

Below the full Steam News and Full Release Announcement Trailer

 The Town Update

Take the first first look at the upcoming Town Update in the latest trailer! We want to be sure that it meets all your expectations, so we still need some time to polish it, but we’re already very excited about it and can’t wait to hear what you think. Town gameplay will add essential depth to the core of Backpack Hero, weaving all heroes, items, and complexity together as you progress through the dungeons! Plus, you’ll get to design your own space for everyone to call home.

 The updated roadmap

We’ve updated our Early Access roadmap, here’s what you can expect on the road to 1.0! We hope the coming months will be exciting as we focus on more character reworks, balance, polish, Kickstarter rewards, and continuing to improve Backpack Hero with your feedback!


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Marcello TBL

Italian Dad in love with Turn-Based RPGs and Indie Games. In 2018 he started Turn Based Lovers and now he can't live without it.

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