Looking for a New Turn-Based RPG to Play? Humble Bundle Has You Covered for Less Than $5

Written by Marcello TBL

Pathway by Robotality

Here are some RPGs for your weekend that won’t weigh too heavily on your wallet:

The weekend is upon us, and unless you’ll be occupied with other matters like work, family, or who knows what else, you might need something new to play. That’s where your friendly neighborhood Italian comes to save the day. I’ve checked out what’s good on Humble without making you spend too much, and the selection is quite broad.

Before diving into the list of currently heavily discounted titles, I want to highlight the Flashback Classics bundle, which includes some interesting games. Among them, you’ll find the entire compilation of Epic Battle Fantasy, an intriguing RPG saga that mixes humor, open-world exploration, and JRPG-style combat with a lot of quality. There’s also Worms WMD for some wholesome fun and destruction.


The first title worth mentioning is the Blackguards bundle, which includes both games in the series for only €1.49. For this negligible amount, you get a very interesting series that features a narrative of escape and hope with tactical combat. Another title worth mentioning for the potential hours of gameplay it offers is Pathway, a delightful pixel-art RPG from 2019 for some Indiana Jones vibes. The player faces off against Nazis, ancient cults, and artifacts in tactical combat, all for just €4.19.

Another fascinating title currently 90% off is Irondanger, an RPG that isn’t strictly turn-based but allows players to manipulate the timeline and adapt to enemies’ moves and various outcomes. It’s innovative, fresh, and only €1.99. At the same price, you’ll also find one of the best JRPGs of recent times, Cris Tales. This game not only shares the price with Iron Danger but also some dynamics. Here, you’ll also need to move between past, present, and future to outsmart your enemies, and it’s the perfect opportunity to get ready for the new title recently announced by the developers.

Iron Danger

Now, a Survival RPG that takes players into the usual post-apocalyptic world where, guess what, you’ll face zombies, of course. But it is not just them; players will also have to deal with other survivors who have their own agendas and plans to thwart them. It’s called Z Dawn, and it’s a rather complex RPG that’s definitely worth more than the €1.99 price tag.

I also want to point out the various DLCs for Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, which, if you’re missing any, you can find for around €5 each, making them quite a bargain. Lastly, there’s Iratus: Lord Of The Dead, if you want to unleash your dark side for only €4.49, and the Wrath of the Necromancer DLC for one euro less.

Wrath of the Righteous

Obviously, I tried to stay under €5, so just imagine what you can find once you remove that filter. Also, don’t underestimate the Choice subscription. This plan gives you access to 8 top-tier games each month for just €12, and the best part is that you’re not only saving money but also donating to charity.

Let me know what you’ll be playing this weekend by reaching out on X, YouTube, and our Discord server as usual. See you for the weekly recap. Ciao

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Marcello TBL

Italian Dad in love with Turn-Based RPGs and Indie Games. In 2018 he started Turn Based Lovers and now he can't live without it. A huge fan of RPGs in general, raised on the glorious video games of the '90s that shaped who he is today. Always hopeful that XCOM 3 will arrive one day.