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Prepare yourself for a new journey In the first trailer of soulash 2

Written by DannyDSC


No need to go around, Soulash is a vast and great roguelike. On the pages of we have dedicated ample space to the creature developed by Artur Smiarowski. A difficult game, which does not forgive the slightest mistake but at the same time is able to tell a story of revenge that will change depending on the type of character developed.

Our armies and castles talked about it in depth in the review you can see here. And now it’s time to talk about Soulash 2.

But why is The Indie Seeker writing about Soulash? First because I covered the first chapter on and it bewitched me. Number two because Artur hasn’t been sitting on his hands and has been working on the sequel for months, Soulash 2.

I couldn’t wait to add his game to my special, Twitter Lair Top Pics (which just came out in the third issue, check it out) but it’s still early. In the meantime we are pleased to announce the release of the very first trailer dedicated to this sequel that I can’t wait to talk about in depth.

Before I leave you to the trailer, I remind you of some peculiarities of Soulash 2 that also distinguish it from the first chapter:

No longer just a roguelike

Soulash 2 is also a role-playing game, with lots of experience and various types of skills that you will acquire. It’s set in a fantasy and procedurally generated open world with a complete simulated history. Someone says Dwarf Fortress? No because when I asked for a review key they ignored me. But yes, this world has its own simulated story!

More than a role-playing game

In Soulash 2 we can build structures like castle and temple to gain proselytes or citizens or much more. You can explore, craft, build, cast, fight and forge your destiny as you please.

There are then three types of gameplay

High Fantasy Mode: Suffer penalties upon death, only to resurrect in the nearest friendly location. Beware, however – time’s relentless march may still claim your character.

Dark Fantasy Mode: Experience true loss as death erases your character but leaves the world and your creations intact. Continue influencing the world as a new character.

Hardcore Mode: Face the unforgiving roguelike experience with permadeath that annihilates both your character and the world – no meta progression, no mercy.

Steam page here

And after this tasty super mini preview, I leave you with the trailer. See you next!

And remember, Think Indie, Play Indie games!


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Hi all! My name is Daniele and I'm a promoter on I also work on for previews, reviews and other articles. As my nickname suggests, "IS" is for Indie Seeker because I love and I want to support and work especially with indie developer. The videogame indie community have much to offer, in many situations more than other "triple AAA" projects. Are you an indie developer and need support for your game? Contact me or, we're the only italian website that offer a total and REAL coverage to all indie videogames. And last but not least, if your game is "turn based", contact the best website for all turn based strategy games,!