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Tactical Survival RPG Shardpunk: Verminfall is ready to release on PC

Written by Marcello TBL

Shardpunk Verminfall New Trailer

Get ready to face the ultimate challenge of survival in the gritty and dark world of Shardpunk: Verminfall, a turn-based tactical RPG set in a steampunk universe. Developed by Clockwork Pile, a passionate solo developer, Shardpunk: Verminfall will be available on Steam and from April 13, 2023.

As the leader of a group of survivors, players must navigate through the ruins of a city that hordes of mutated rats have overrun. With each hero possessing unique abilities and personalities, players must use their strategic skills to gather resources, slow down the horde, and make it to safety.

Shardpunk Verminfall RPG
Shardpunk: Verminfall

This game blends turn-based tactical strategy with RPG, survival, and resource management, making each decision impactful and the consequences unavoidable. From combat tactics to choosing who should receive the last medpack or rations, players must take charge and face the consequences of their actions.

“I have put a lot of time, effort, and passion into this game, and I can’t wait for players to experience the dark and gritty world of Shardpunk: Verminfall,” says Slawomir Bryk, the solo developer behind the game.

In addition to the game’s release, a demo is also available on Steam and Below an overview of the game and release date Trailer


Outrun the horde and survive another day in the war-torn Capital.


In Shardpunk: Verminfall you already lost. Now you need to run for your life while saving as many people and pieces of equipment as possible. Keep on moving and use every skill and item at your disposal to reach the safety of fusion core-operated bunkers.


Put together a crew of survivors and use a range of steampunk weapons and bots to scavenge for resources, slow down the horde, and reach safety. Shardpunk: Verminfall mixes turn-based tactical strategy with RPG, survival, and resource management. From battle tactics to the most difficult decisions on who should receive the last medpack or rations, you’ll need to take charge and (hopefully) live with its consequences.


The Rat Swarm has breached the walls of The Capital and flooded the city with its vermin horde. Push through three districts with progressively more vicious enemies, rising emergency levels, and supplies that dry up like blood from a knife wound. Constantly on the move, you’ll scavenge bodies and resource crates risking that with each detour the rats are getting closer…


  • XCOM meets Darkest Dungeon as Shardpunk: Verminfall combines turn-based tactical battles with the hard choices made at the bunker
  • Grid-based levels that are open for exploration and full of tactical possibilities while you run from the endless hordes of rats
  • A motley crew of characters to build your team, each one with unique abilities, equipment, perks, and shortcomings that affect their mates
  • Steampunk arsenal and technologies to use in battle that also requires mending and cooling, so they don’t backfire on you in the middle of the fight
  • Variety of resources to scavenge, upgrades to unlock, and equipment to craft
  • Detailed pixel art visuals that set the victorian mood and feast your eyes with fusion-core explosions


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Marcello TBL

Italian Dad in love with Turn-Based RPGs and Indie Games. In 2018 he started Turn Based Lovers and now he can't live without it.