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Rise of the Foederati – Overview

Written by Marcello TBL

Rise of The Foederati

A realistic multiplayer wars simulator set in the Roman borders in mid-5th century AD actually in early access.


In-Game Background Story

The Dark Ages (or, more accurately, Migration Period) as you have never seen before. Rise of the Foederati has historical accuracy down to the most minimal detail. From the pronunciation of one of the dozen extinct languages of the period to the design of warriors’ armaments, the experience you have is as historically accurate as it gets.

  • Proto-Norse, Gothic, Latin, West Frisian (and more). Languages once extinct, now resurrected to bring the speech of your warbands to life. Explore the decadent cities of the once-glorious Roman Empire. Drawing extensively from research on archeological findings, the artists portraying the Empire made all efforts towards presenting period-accurate city life. Unit names portray accurately their position or function in a Warband. A “Visigoth Spearman” is a “Visigoth Haramanne” (this is an optional feature).
  • The local flora and fauna are what it is. Animals near extinction or completely extinct, such as the Iberian Lynx and the Aurochsen can once again be seen in the region of the Pyrenées. Local trees, like the Pyrenean Oak, unique to their own region, are also portrayed.

Languages once extinct, now resurrected to bring the speech of your warbands to life.


Rise of the Foederati is an online, massive multiplayer strategy game that combines real-time strategy with turn-based combat. You play as a leader of one of the many tribes surrounding the Roman borders in mid-5th century AD, and your objective is to lead your warriors into raids, skirmishes, and battles to survive. More important than winning battles, however, is to wade through the intricacies of managing your warband, as your soldiers will support your leadership as long as you bring them loot and glory. A weak leader, however, may face discontent warriors that will desert, abandon formations, disrespect your commands, or even challenge you to take control of your group!


Historical accuracy
The Dark Ages (or, more accurately, Migration Period) as you have never seen before. Rise of the Foederati has historical accuracy down to the most minimal detail. From the pronounciation of one of the dozen extinct languages of the period to the design of warriors’ armaments, the experience you have is as historically accurate as it gets.

Politics paved with power and casualties
An ever-changing political scene awaits you. Within each swing of the pendulum of power, you’ll be forced to make decisions that may have long-term repercussions. For example, if a huge force from a previously neutral tribe attacks your own, it may require your warband to ally itself with old enemies against this new threat.

Rally your friends, raid your enemies, protect your tribe*
Hundreds of players are present at the same time in Rise. Your movements and battles are present in real-time; there are no instances in the world. Your actions make a mark in the world. The more people you bring to your side, the bigger your actions are.

Items details

About the Developer

Genos Studio was founded in 2017 as the company behind Rise of the Foederati, in a partnership with the founder and another person. It is a Miami, FL company, but they are both Brazilians. The team currently involves many freelancers from different areas, such as programming, design, graphics, promotion, and marketing.

Release date & platforms

Rise of the Foederati is already available in early access on Steam with continuous updates. Below the Steam page and the sneak peek video.


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Marcello TBL

Italian Dad in love with Turn-Based RPGs and Indie Games. In 2018 he started Turn Based Lovers and now he can't live without it.

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