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Great Cities for Gamers to Move To

Written by Marcello TBL

Cities for gamers

Are you looking for a change of scenery? If you feel as though the time is finally right for you to make the big move, you do not need to leave your identity as a gamer behind by any stretch of the imagination.

There are some wonderful cities that many gamers flourish and thrive in, plus, many of them have a great reputation for jobs opportunities in the gaming industry if that was something that interested you.

Whether you are trying to make a choice right now or need a destination to aspire to in the future, here are some top cities that gamers will likely love.

Tokyo, Japan

Japan has incredibly deep ties to the video game industry, of course being the home of the mighty Nintendo corporation.

Tokyo is a bustling metropolis steeped in culture, beauty, and some of the world’s most advanced technology.

A thriving gaming community and countless, unforgettable moments to explore, Tokyo is truly a one-of-a-kind place; just check out this IGN article for some direction once you get there.

London, England

An unperishing jewel shining in the stark grey English morning, London has long represented some huge names in the gaming industry, and moreover, plenty of valuable startups are skyrocketing towards success out of the capital city, which might entice those who see a future career in gaming.

Plus, it’s one of the best cities in the world, so not much to argue with there. The location is superb too, as it is right next to mainland Europe and the rest of the beautiful British Isles.

This makes room for a huge amount of opportunity. For example, if you wanted to have a gaming tour of Europe, getting hold of some car shipping services is now easier than ever before, thanks to some great auto transport companies, so perhaps accessing your dream destination is more viable than you first imagined.

Bucharest, Romania

While the other two entries on this list may put off many gamers due to their intensely high cost of living, Bucharest is totally different.

With a low cost of living, ultrafast internet speeds, and a unique, distinctive, and majestic history, Bucharest may be one of the best cities for gamers in the entire world.

Besides the fact that the city holds some of the world’s biggest Esports events, like this year’s DOTA 2 world championship, Bucharest is home to big gaming companies, such as Gameloft, King, and Ubisoft Romania.

There is a large gaming community there, too, so anyone looking to form some meaningful connections in an enchanting part of the world might be in luck.

Seoul, South Korea

Last and by no means least, Seoul is, in many ways, the home of Esports. It is taken very seriously there indeed, which is likely great news for dedicated gamers looking for a new homeland.

Seoul is bustling, to say the least, and it makes the perfect place to live for those who enjoy the fast-paced brilliance of a hypermodern, highly popular city.


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Marcello TBL

Italian Dad in love with Turn-Based RPGs and Indie Games. In 2018 he started Turn Based Lovers and now he can't live without it.

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