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Top 15 Best Turn-Based JRPGs you’ll be playing in 2024

Written by Marcello TBL

Top JRPGs to play in 2024

2023 has been a fantastic year for games, but it’s always important to look to the future. From big names to up-and-coming indies, the JRPG space is set to thrive next year.

Of course, you’ve heard of the major titles – Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth, Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, and Persona 3 Reload are sure to get plenty of attention when they launch. However, indie developers have worked hard to bring their dream games to life, and 2024 will be when many of them get to share the fruits of their labor with you.

New Upcoming JRPGs on PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation and Xbox

Which of these fifteen great-looking titles has you the most excited to ring in the new year? Be sure to tell us in the comments below, and Wishlist all your favorites to give the developers a boost!


If you’re eagerly awaiting the release of Persona 5 Tactica, you should definitely keep an eye on Demonschool as well. This tactical RPG from Necrosoft Games has all the flair and supernatural strangeness of Persona and Shin Megami Tensei, but in a Western setting presented through stylish pixel animations.


Publisher Ysbryd Games specializes in finding indie titles capable of garnering a dedicated fanbase, so if Demonschool looks like your kind of game then chances are it will turn out to be one of your overall favorites in 2024. No release date has yet been announced. On Steam

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes finally has a release date! The Kickstarter mega-hit with gorgeous 2.5D environments and an enormous cast of characters is scheduled to launch on 23 April, 2024. It will even be on GamePass from day one!

Eiyuden Chronicle

While it’s not a perfect comparison, saying that Eiyuden looks like what would happen if Vanillaware made a Suikoden game should give you a pretty good idea of what to expect. If you can’t wait for spring to start hacking and slashing, you can play the prequel, Eiyuden Chronicle Rising in the meantime. On PC via Steam, EPIC and GOG, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation and Xbox.


If you’re looking for a lush JRPG experience from one of the best indie developers you’ve never heard of, Sacrifire is going to be the game for you. Pixelated Milk puts their heart into their games, and their most ambitious title to date is shaping up to be no different.

Sacrifire RPG

With smooth, eye-popping pixel animation, a blend of real-time and turn-based battles, and music by Motoi Sakuraba (Dark Souls, Star Ocean), Sacrifire should be a sure thing for JRPG fans. The trailer claims that the game will launch in 2023, but as no release date has been set it’s safe to say that we likely won’t see it until 2024. Wishlist Sacrifire on Steam

LumenTale: Memories of Trey

LumenTale: Memories Of Trey looks a lot like classic Pokemon, and that’s not a bad thing. The last few years have seen lots of monster collector RPGs emulate the biggest franchise in gaming, each with their own unique spin. If LumenTale can give players the same feeling as their favorite Pokemon game, that’s a huge success.

LumenTale - Upcoming Turn-Based RPGs 2023

LumenTale will have lots of minigames in addition to the requisite turn-based battles. There is even a minigame that increases your chance of successfully catching a wild monster! Keep an eye out for Beehive Studios’ debut title next year; in the meantime, a free demo is available to try! Wishlist LumenTale: Memories Of Trey on Steam


Speaking of monster catchers, competition between teams of creatures has always been a staple of the genre. What if, instead of battles, you instead challenged rival trainers to a volleyball match? Beastieball answers that question.

Beastieball Volley RPG

Beastieball takes a strange but compelling premise and runs with it; the result is a strategic turn-based sports game with a cozy vibe like similar to Ooblets. If the free demo is any indication, there will be loads of fun to be had when Beastieball launches sometime in 2024. Wishlist Beastieball on Steam

Dark Deity II

If you played the first Dark Deity game, then you probably don’t need any convincing to put the sequel on your wishlist. Set twenty-five years after the first game, Dark Deity II lets you lead a new generation to war.

Dark Deity 2 Screen

It’s hard to find a franchise that so perfectly evokes classic Fire Emblem while still carving out its own space within the genre. Hopefully, Dark Deity II marks the beginning of a long and beloved saga when it launches next year. Wishlist Dark Deity 2 on Steam


With the advent of Octopath Traveler and the Live A Live remake, it’s an exciting time for a very specific subset of JRPG fans. Games that follow several independent stories, all of which tie together in the end, are immensely satisfying, so if Shadows Of Adam developer Something Classic Games can stick the landing with Quartet, there are going to be some very happy players next year.

Quartet JRPG

Exploration and combat both look fairly standard as classic JRPGs go, and Lufia fans will feel right at home with the over-the-shoulder-view battles. Whether you’re soaring in steampunk airships or robbing trains in the Wild West, Quartet is definitely a game to watch when it launches in early 2024. Wishlist Quartet on Steam


With a name like Prelude Dark Pain, it’s no surprise that this game takes place in a grimdark fantasy world similar to Darkest Dungeon. The visual style is quite similar, but PDP trades in turn-based slugfests for a tactical grid.

Prelude Dark Pain

Prelude Dark Pain boats an enormous roster of playable characters, each with multiple skill branches. Throw in settlement building and an open world, and you’re looking at a game with vast replay potential. It’s coming to early access in 2024, so that’s the earliest players will be able to give it a try. Wishlist Prelude Dark Pain on Steam

Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth

Ichiban is quickly becoming the new face of the Like A Dragon franchise, so his return in Infinite Wealth is very welcome. The RPG-style battles of his debut title return, marking Ichiban’s adventures as truly distinct from those of Majima and Kiryu.

Infinite Wealth Gameplay

Infinite Wealth is shaping up to be just as deep yet bizarre as any other Like A Dragon game. If you’re new to the franchise and want to get up to speed, Yakuza: Like A Dragon is a great place to start while you’re waiting for this new title to arrive on 26 January. Wishlist Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth on Steam and PlayStation.

Persona 3 Reload

Persona 3 is the game that took the series from a niche spinoff of Shin Megami Tensei to one of the most beloved JRPG franchises in the world. While it’s still holds up, any game from 2006 is naturally going to show its age. That’s where Reload comes in.

Persona 3 Reload New Screens

Persona 3 Reload is a full remake of the classic, with graphics and gameplay remastered and reimagined for new and returning fans alike. It’s currently scheduled to be released on 2 February. Wishlist Persona 3 Reload on Steam, PlayStation and XBox.

Metaphor ReFantazio

Classic, long-running series are very important to gaming, but there needs to be a stream of new properties and ideas coming in as well. Metaphor: ReFantazio has the makings of a new classic. Developed by Persona 3, 4, and 5 creators, this is a new title with serious pedigree.

Metaphor Refantazio

Right now, there isn’t much information beyond a trailer, but that’s certainly enough to get us interested. Metaphor: ReFantazio is expected to release sometime in 2024 for Windows, XBox, and PlayStation. Metaphor: ReFantazio Official Site


A cyberpunk detective RPG from the creators of Professor Layton is a surprise, but a welcome one all the same. Players take the investigator Harvard and his companions into a virtual world, analyzing past crimes to find clues to solve their current mystery.


Decapolice is a perfect fit for the Switch, where portability will allow players to pick it up and put it down as they like. It’s expected to launch by the end of 2023, giving players a great reason to stay warm indoors as winter sets in. Wishlist Decapolice on Switch.

Unicorn Overlord

If you enjoyed Triangle Strategy and Tactics Ogre Reborn, then Unicorn Overlord is going to be a must-play. This tactical RPG looks absolutely stunning, as we’ve come to expect from developer Vanillaware.

Unicorn Overlord Gameplay

If you’re a tabletop fan, you might consider springing for the Physical Collector’s Edition on this one, as it includes a full physical card game set in the same universe. With a deep story, sixty playable units, and amazing visuals, Unicorn Overlord could potentially even stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Final Fantasy Tactics when it launches on 8 March. Wishlist Unicorn Overlord on Switch and preorder the Physical Edition.

The White Raven

The White Raven is a lovingly crafted indie TRPG from GatherRound Studios. If the gameplay is a sleek as the game’s visual presentation, they’ll make their mark in a big way.

The White Raven

An open world with intense tactical battles, The White Raven offers excellent, detailed sprite animations that bring its setting to life. There’s even a little bit of base building as you develop your tribe among the steppes. There’s no release date yet, but we’ll certainly be keeping an eye on this one. Wishlist The White Raven on Steam

Bloomtown: A Different Story

If the kids from Stranger Things played JRPGs instead of D&D, their adventures might have looked like Bloomtown. As Emily, players will investigate the demonic underworld growing underneath her peaceful 1960s town.

Bloomtown: A Different Story

Emily and her friends form the core of your party in this bright, colorful RPG, but you can also summon demons that you capture during your incursions to the underworld! It’s a fun departure from typical JRPG fare, so it should be worth checking out when it launches in Q2 of 2024. Wishlist Bloomtown on Steam and Nintendo Switch.


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Marcello TBL

Italian Dad in love with Turn-Based RPGs and Indie Games. In 2018 he started Turn Based Lovers and now he can't live without it.